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姓    名:马勇

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邮    箱:569844759qq.com






201211-201409月, 太阳集团网址首页登录,太阳集团tyc4633,讲师


201409-201909月, 太阳集团网址首页登录,太阳集团tyc4633,副教授(破格)


201909-至今, 太阳集团网址首页登录,太阳集团tyc4633,教授






  1. 船舶自主路径规划及跟踪,国家自然科学优秀青年基金.国家级, 2020. 52022073, 2021.01-2023.12 120W

  2. 长江湖北段智能船舶智能航行关键技术研究,湖北省自然科学基金,杰出青年基金项目.省部级, 2020. 2020CFA055, 2020.03-2023.03 30W

  3. 研究骨干,海上丝绸之路运输环境安全保障服务系统集成与应用示范,国家重点研发计划,国家级,2018. 2018YFC1407400, 2018.09-2021.12 1916

  4. 跨域海事无人机-船艇平台协同作业路径规划研究,国家自然科学面上基金.国家级, 2020. 62073251, 2021.01-2024.12 59W

  5. 智能船舶智能航行关键技术与装备研发,湖北省知识产权局,湖北省高价值知识产权培育工程(专利类)项目, 2021. 2021-2022. 10W

  6. 面向交通强国的新型交通工具关键技术与装备研发高价值专利组合培育,武汉市市场监督管理局,知识产权运营服务体系建设项目.市级, 2020. 20201G34 2020.01-2021.11 100W

  7. 2019交通运输行业高层次人才培养项目,交通运输部,其他纵向, 2020. 2019-011 7W

  8. 基于机器学习的船舶自主导航关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金,国际(地区)合作与交流项目.国家级, 2019. 51911540478, 2019.07-2021.06 11W



  1. Yong Ma, Hongwei Wang*, M. Zamirian, A novel approach for multiple mobile objects path planning: Parametrization method and conflict resolution strategy, Physics Letters A, vol. 376, no.4, 377-386, 2012. (SCI, IF: 2.278, JCR: Q2, 被引: 10)

  2. Yong Ma, M. Zamirian, Yadong Yang, Yanmin Xu, Jing Zhang, Path planning for mobile objects in four-dimension based on particle swarm optimization with penalty function, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2013, 1-9, 2013. (SCI, IF: 1.009, JCR: Q3, 被引: 10)

  3. Yong Ma, Hongwei Wang*, Yong Xie, Min Guo, Path planning for multiple mobile robots under double-warehouse, Information Sciences, vol. 278, 357-379, 2014. (SCI, IF: 5.91, JCR: Q1, 被引: 22)

  4. Yong Ma, Hongwei Wang, Langxiong Gan*, Mobile robots path planning using the overall conflict resolution and time baseline coordination, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, 1-13, 2014. (SCI, IF: 1.009, JCR: Q3, 被引: 26)

  5. Songlin Hu, Xiuxia Yin, Yunning Zhang, Yong Ma*, Further results on memory control of nonlinear discrete-time networked control systems with random input delay, Nonlinear dynamics, vol. 77, no.4, 1531-1545, 2014. (SCI, IF:4.867, JCR: Q1, 被引: 8)

  6. Songlin Hu, Dong Yue*, Xiuxia Yin, Xiangpeng Xie, Yong Ma, Adaptive event-triggered control for nonlinear discrete-time systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 26, 4104-4125, 2016. (SCI, IF: 3.503, JCR: Q1, 被引: 37)

  7. Yong Ma*, Yujiao Zhao, Jiantao Diao, Langxiong Gan, Huaxiong Bi, and Jingming Zhao, Design of sail-assisted unmanned surface vehicle intelligent control system, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2016, 1-13, 2016. Article ID 2958240, doi:10.1155/2016/2958240. (SCI, IF: 1.009, JCR: Q3, 被引: 4)

  8. Songlin Hu, Dong Yue*, Xiuxia Yin, Yong Ma, Xiangpeng Xie, Stabilization of neural-network-based control systems via event-triggered control with nonperiodic sampled data, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 29, no.3, 573-585, 2018. (SCI, IF: 8.793, JCR: Q1, 被引: 38)

  9. Yong Ma, Mengqi Hu, Xinping Yan*, Multi-objective path planning for unmanned surface vehicle with currents effects, ISA Transactions, vol. 75, 137-156, 2018. (SCI, IF: 4.305, JCR: Q1, 被引: 54)

  10. Yong Ma, Huaxiong Bi, Runze Gan, Xiang Li, Xinping Yan*, New insights into airfoil sail selection for sail-assisted vessel with computational fluid dynamics simulation, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 10, no.4, 1-12, 2018. (SCI, IF: 1.161, JCR: Q4,被引: 2)

  11. Yong Ma, Yujiao Zhao, Xin Qi, Yuanzhou Zheng*, Runze Gan, Cooperative communication framework design for the unmanned aerial vehicles-unmanned surface vehicles formation, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 10, no.5, 1-9, 2018. (SCI, IF: 1.161, JCR: Q4, 被引: 3)

  12. Yong Ma*, Guibing Zhu, Zhixiong Li, Error-driven-based nonlinear feedback recursive design for adaptive NN trajectory tracking control of surface ships with input saturation, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, vol. 19, 17-28, 2019. (SCI, IF: 3.363, JCR: Q2,被引: 14)

  13. Yong Ma, Huaxiong Bi, Mengqi Hu, Yuanzhou Zheng*, Langxiong Gan, Hard sail optimization and energy efficiency enhancement for sail-assisted vessel, Ocean Engineering, vol. 173, 687-699, 2019. (SCI, IF: 3.068, JCR: Q1, 被引: 4)

  14. Guangming Shao, Yong Ma*, Reza Malekian, Xinping Yan, Zhixiong Li, A novel cooperative platform design for coupled USV-UAV systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15, no. 9, 4913-4922, 2019. (SCI, IF:9.112, JCR: Q1, 被引: 11)

  15. Xiaoqiong Wang, Atilla Incecik, Zhixiong Li, Bin Hu, Yong Ma*, Transient uniformity model predictive control in dealing with non-uniformity of multivariable systems, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, vol. 234, no.1, 3-14, 2020. (SCI, IF: 1.531, JCR: Q2)

  16. Yujiao Zhao, Xin Qi, Atilla Incecik, Yong Ma*, Zhixiong Li*, Broken lines path following algorithm for a water-jet propulsion USV with disturbance uncertainties, Ocean Engineering, vol. 201, 107118, 2020. (SCI, IF: 3.068, JCR: Q1, 被引: 3)

  17. Yong Ma, Yujiao Zhao, Yulong Wang, Langxiong Gan, Yuanzhou Zheng*, Collision-avoidance under COLREGS for unmanned surface vehicles via deep reinforcement learning, Maritime Policy & Management, vol. 47, no.5, 665-686, 2020. (SSCI, IF: 3.152, JCR: Q2, 被引: 1,国际港口与航运顶刊)

  18. Yujiao Zhao, Xin Qi, Yong Ma*, Zhixiong Li*, Reza Malekian, M. Sotelo, Path following optimization for an underactuated USV using smoothly-convergent deep reinforcement learning, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020, 1-13. (SCI, IF: 6.319, JCR: Q1)

  19. Fangliang Xiao, Yong Ma*, Artificial forces for virtual autonomous ships with encountering situations in restricted waters, Maritime Policy & Management, vol. 47, no.5, 687-702, 2020. SSCI, 3.152. (SSCI, IF: 3.152, JCR: Q2, 国际港口与航运顶刊)

  20. Yong Ma*, Zongqiang Nie, Yongsheng Yu, Songlin Hu*, Zhouhua Peng, Event-Triggered fuzzy control of networked nonlinear underactuated unmanned surface vehicle, Ocean Engineering, vol. 213, 107540, 2020. (SCI, IF: 3.068, JCR: Q1, 被引: 1)

  21. Guibing Zhu, Yong Ma*, Songlin Hu*, Single-parameter-learning-based finite-time tracking control of underactuated MSVs under input saturation, Control Engineering Practice, vol. 105, 104652, 2020. (SCI, IF: 3.193, JCR: Q2, 被引: 3,控制领域Top期刊)

  22. Songlin Hu, Dong Yue*, Chunxia Dou, Xiangpeng Xie, Yong Ma, Lei Ding, Attack-resilient event-triggered fuzzy interval type-2 filter design for networked nonlinear systems under sporadic denial-of-service jamming attacks, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020, 1-15. (SCI, IF: 9.518, JCR: Q1)

  23. Yong Ma, Yujiao Zhao, Atilla Incecik, Xinping Yan*, Yulong Wang, Zhixiong Li*, A collision avoidance approach via negotiation protocol for a swarm of USVs, Ocean Engineering, vol. 224, 108713, 2021. (SCI, IF: 3.068, JCR: Q1)

  24. Yong Ma, Zongqiang Nie, Songlin Hu, Zhixiong Li*, Reza Malekian, M. Sotelo, Fault detection filter and controller co-design for unmanned surface vehicles under DoS attacks, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 22, no. 3, 1422-1434, 2021. (SCI, IF: 6.319, JCR: Q1, 被引: 11)

  25. Guibing Zhu, Yong Ma*, Zhixiong Li*, Reza Malekian, M. Sotelo, Adaptive neural output feedback control for MSVs with predefined performance, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2021.3063687 (SCI, IF: 5.379, JCR: Q1)

  26. Guibing Zhu, Yong Ma*, Zhixiong Li*, Reza Malekian, M. Sotelo, Event-triggered adaptive neural fault-tolerant control of underactuated MSVs with input saturation, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3066461 (SCI, IF: 6.319, JCR: Q1)

  27. Yujiao Zhao, Yong Ma*, Songlin Hu*, USV formation and path following control via deep reinforcement learning with random braking, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2021.3068762 (SCI, IF: 8.793, JCR: Q1)


  1. 马 勇 胡松林 邵光明 著,无人船艇智能航行技术,西北工业大学出版社. 25.2万字, 2020. ISBN 978-7-5612-6840-7

  2. 马 勇 ,无人艇路径规划关键技术研究,哈尔滨工业大学出版社. 25.4万字, 2019. ISBN 978-7-5603-4069-2

  3. 马勇参编教材:郝 勇 主编,水上交通工程,太阳集团网址首页登录出版社. 20万字, 2015. ISBN 978-7-5629-4865-0


  1. 序1.一种装备于海事巡航搜救无人艇的自适应可调节装置.发明.

  2. 序1.一种四旋翼无人机载运装置.发明.

  3. 序1.一种可发电的自适应风帆.发明,已转化.

  4. 序1.一种用于水下地形测绘的无人测量船.实用新型.

  5. 序1.海事巡航搜救智能无人艇,专利号:ZL 2018 3 0425300.3.外观.

  6. 序1.一种船用风力压差增速发电设备.发明.

  7. 序1.一种海空自主协同搜救M3U平台.发明.

  8. 序1.一种无人水面艇折线路径跟踪控制系统及方法.发明.

  9. 序1.一种用于群水面无人艇的自主避碰系统及方法.发明.

  10. 序2, Method and system for determining safe under keel clearance of ultra-large ship, Granted, Australian.

  11. 序1. DoS攻击下基于切换T-S模糊系统的无人船艇控制方法,发明.

  12. 序1.一种基于深度强化学习的群无人艇智能避碰方法,发明.


  1. 序1.船用风帆控制系统V1.0.

  2. 序2.群无人艇智能避碰仿真平台V4.0.

  3. 序3.水面无人艇路径跟踪控制软件V1.0.



  1. 2020年,第十届太阳集团网址首页登录青年教师教学竞赛三等奖,太阳集团网址首页登录.

  2. 2020年,第十届太阳集团tyc4633青年教师教学竞赛一等奖、优秀教案奖,太阳集团tyc4633.

  3. 2019年,《水上交通工程》优质优酬奖励,太阳集团tyc4633.

  4. 2018年,第九届太阳集团tyc4633青年教师教学竞赛二等奖、优秀教案奖,太阳集团tyc4633.

  5. 2014年,第七届太阳集团tyc4633青年教师教学竞赛三等奖、优秀教案奖,太阳集团tyc4633.

  6. 2014年,海事管理专业最受学生喜爱的教师,太阳集团tyc4633海事管理专业学生,集体奖.


  1. 2020年,1/10,船舶自主航行关键理论与技术,中国海洋工程咨询协会,科学技术奖,二等奖,省部级,集体奖.

  2. 2018年,1/10,无人艇路径规划关键技术及应用,中国航海学会,科学技术奖,二等奖,省部级,集体奖. HG 18-02-02-10-01

  3. 2014年,7/10,大型无动力船舶码头系泊防台关键技术研究,中国航海学会,科学技术奖,二等奖,省部级,集体奖. HG 14-02-06-10-07


  1. 2021年,1/1,多无人测量船艇协同覆盖路径规划研究(毕华雄),校级优秀硕士学位论文,导师.

  2. 2016, 1/1, 风浪作用下海事无人艇巡航路径规划研究(任俊勇),湖北省优秀学士学位论文,指导教师.

  3. 2019年,1/1,水空两栖立体式仿生无人艇搜救舰队(栾凤凯等),第八届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛,中国造船工程学会,一等奖,国家级,指导教师.

  4. 2019年,1/2,无人立体化协同搜救平台(毛晨等),第八届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛,中国造船工程学会,二等奖,国家级,指导教师.

  5. 2018年,1/2,面向巡航及搜救的水空两栖无人航行器(王志军等),第七届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛,中国造船工程学会,一等奖,国家级,指导教师.

  6. 2017年,1/2,海空自主协同搜救M3U平台(樊伟等),第六届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛,中国造船工程学会,特等奖,国家级,指导教师.

  7. 2016年,1/2,面向海空立体巡航搜救的USV协同编队(郭航等),第五届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛,中国造船工程学会,一等奖,国家级,指导教师.

  8. 2015年,1/1,面向立体巡航搜救的机艇耦合海事无人艇(王玉龙等),第四届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛,中国造船工程学会,特等奖,国家级,指导教师.

  9. 2015年,2/2,风-电联合辅助驱动海事无人测量船(赵经明等),第四届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛,中国造船工程学会,一等奖,国家级,指导教师.

  10. 2014年,1/2,自适应风能辅助驱动海事无人艇(戴黎、徐少恒),第三届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛,中国造船工程学会,一等奖,国家级,指导教师.

  11. 2020年,1/1,水空两栖式全方位自主搜救舰队(詹昭等),第二十届“创新杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,太阳集团网址首页登录,三等奖,校级,指导教师.

  12. 2016年,1/1,缩尺度风力助航无人艇设计及仿真研究(毕华雄等),第十五届“创新杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,太阳集团网址首页登录,二等奖,校级,指导教师.

  13. 2017年,1/1,面向海空立体巡航搜救的USV协同编队(刁建涛等),第十六届“创新杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,太阳集团网址首页登录,二等奖,校级,指导教师.

  14. 2020年,1/1,搭载仿生鱼的水空两栖搜救编队(王志军等),国家大学生创新创业训练计划项目,结题优秀,太阳集团网址首页登录教务处,指导老师.

  15. 2019年,1/12018-2019学年太阳集团网址首页登录三好研究生(毕华雄),导师.

  16. 2019年,1/1,太阳集团网址首页登录2018-2019学年硕士研究生国家奖学金(毕华雄),导师.

  17. 2018年,1/1,太阳集团网址首页登录2017-2018学年研究生学术先进个人(毕华雄),导师.

  18. 2018年,1/1,太阳集团网址首页登录2017-2018学年硕士研究生国家奖学金(毕华雄),导师.








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